Bethany’s Transformation


Bethany’s Transformation ·

the joy of moving my body

Bethany’s Transformation

“You cannot choose fear and power at the same time. You cannot choose fear and love at the same time. If you are taking action in your life with self-discipline, you are choosing that bravery instead of fear.”

Sept 2022

Body Fat: 22.9%

Weight: 122 lbs

Waist: 26.5”

Hips: 38.25”

Thigh: 22.5”

April 2023

Body fat: 14.3%

Weight: 111 lbs

Waist: 24.75”

Hips: 35.5”

Thigh: 20.875"

Last September, I sat in my trainer’s office for the first time, and he asked “what do you hope to gain out of training?

Honestly, I had done everything I knew to do on my own… I cleaned up my diet, I was taking supplements, I was working out often with mostly cardio and a bit of strength training here and there, but I felt out of control, like my results were not changing anything about me physically, my energy levels were not where I wanted them and I just felt exhausted and overwhelmed.

I followed Ben’s macro and calorie guidelines, I showed up 3 days a week consistently, and I put in the work. It started paying off in how I felt and what I saw I was getting better at. Now in my thirties, I could actually perform at a better level than ever. I could jump, lift, move, do anything better than before, and now I’ve increased the amount of days I go, just because I can! And while slimming down was not ultimately my goal as much as getting in better shape was, I lost 9% body fat in just over 6 months. In fact, 8% of the 9% lost was in the first three months!

They say, first people will ask you “why you’re doing it,” and later on, people will ask you “how you did it.” This 100% happened to me online, where it’s easy to go from one new video to a video taped 5 months back. “Bethany, how did you lose weight? What did you change about your diet? What’s your workout routine? How much did you lose?” But my favorite response was from someone who said, “Bethany, I loved your before, I love your after, but we are all our own sculptures, aren’t we?”

That stuck with me because I grew up studying art and learning how to paint portraits, and it’s true that we can be our own sculptures, in essence. While most of my discussions with you all have been style related, it has been a study of dressing our proportions and always accepting and even celebrating our unique figures. With that in mind, through this health journey I’ve grown to further love and accept who I am physically because I’m proud of what my muscles can do now, how my jumps have improved, how I might try to train my shoulders to have more emphasis beyond just what clothing can do to enhance or fade. In this way it does feel quite like a sculpture where I can challenge myself in what I can ask my body to do or to grow like. And in a small act of self care every day, I can make a change.

I’ve titled this program “Leo Sculpt” because I recently discovered my ancient Italian family heritage, and our last name was Leonardo, which means “brave as a lion.” They lived in a tiny village outside of the castle in Caserta which is known for its lion scuptures, all who wear crowns. I adopted Leonardo as my last name (at least as a pen name online) during a time when I truly needed bravery to do something I was scared to do. That same day, I found a note in my pocket that read, “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” You cannot choose fear and power at the same time. You cannot choose fear and love at the same time. And if you are taking action in your life with self-discipline, you are choosing that instead of fear.

When I discover a new approach to finding confidence as a woman, I’m ALL IN on sharing it with you all, like I did when I discovered my personal style and then created a system on how to find yours. Well, here I am again with this life-changing information on how to grow in confidence every day, how to choose power & love & self-discipline instead of fear every day, and how to see yourself as the crowned lioness scupture seated in the castle like you’ve always deserved to see yourself every day. I love you and I see the power in you that you can unlock by believing in yourself and now you have the tools in order to show up for yourself like never before.

