The Summer Club


The Summer Club ·

The Summer Club - New Program

+ Bonus Access to Bethany’s Secret & Private Summer Club Instagram Account

Welcome to a brand new program under Leo Sculpt! Join Bethany for a summer of new curated video workouts (June 17-Aug 30) led by her from beginning to end and expertly crafted by her industry-leading trainer to tone muscles, lose body fat, and increase stamina. The movements replicate what Bethany did to reach her own three-month transformation that went viral on YouTube. Start with low impact and level up each week toward new levels of strength… just like she did. All you need is a mat, a few bands and light dumbbells. She will guide you to these inside.

Also get bonus access to Bethany’s secret Summer Club IG account to receive private content only available to Summer Club members right on your Instagram feed.

Work out all summer for the price of
one pair of Lululemon leggings!

Over 1,000 women have already joined The Summer Club!

What’s inside the Summer Club?

new Bethany-led full video Workouts

The workouts are focused on pure joy! They are paced to the beat of the music that play throughout the videos. We will supply tips on screen of proper form when needed. The workouts start Monday June 17 and are posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12 a.m. ET through Friday, August 30. They are posted here inside and are only available to Summer Club members. The workouts are around 25 minutes long, and you can pause them when needed. If you miss a day, feel free to do it when you can. You’ll have access to the content until we announce The Summer Club 2025 in late spring.

All you’ll need for the first few weeks are some mini bands, which are very cheap and easy to get. They are also perfect if you will be traveling some this summer. We’re starting with low impact exercises so no worries there if you are a complete beginner. And as we build our strength in the coming weeks, we will just be using some basic dumbbells, ones you might already own.

Access the Secret Summer Club iG community

A club needs a community, after all! You can get access to the secret Summer Club Instagram account of over 850+ women to stay motivated throughout the season.

Bethany will share exclusive reels on her food & nutrition, confidence-boosting motivational stories, and wellness routines & challenges to help you completely transform by September.

Morning walks and coffee chats will be a chance to check in, make memories together, have deep conversations together, laugh together and probably cry together. Bethany will also share positive mindsets, and fitness/athleisure apparel recommendations.

The goal is to make it feel like you’re not alone this summer and to help you experience a glow-up. Enter your Instagram handle at checkout, and instructions on how to join will follow. You won’t want to miss this!

Bethany-Led Workouts


Wellness & Nutrition


Secret Community


Mindful Motivation


Mini Challenges


Bethany-Led Workouts · Wellness & Nutrition · Secret Community · Mindful Motivation · Mini Challenges ·


“This gentle queen is kicking my @ss!”


Let’s cover what every week of workouts this summer will include:

  • The first phase will start with full-body workouts and less cardio. We’ll introduce you to exercises that are easy to understand and follow. We paced everything to the tempo of the music to help work up a sweat and have fun. During this phase, you’ll get a sense of your capabilities. Pay attention to your heart rate, breathing patterns, and how your muscles are responding.

    The warm-up will take some friction away from the joints by adding mobility. The cool-down will have light stretching where we hold the position to lengthen the muscles.

    Note: You may see some repeat exercises throughout the weeks to help you get more efficient at them but no two workouts will be exactly the same in the Summer Club. There will be no repeat weeks.

  • The goal for phase 2 is to build strength around the joints. This can create more coordination, stabilization and better balance. To do this we will add more unilateral movements, which also help to avoid injury and correct muscle imbalances. This can be essential for strength training before we move to the next few weeks.

    It will also add more neuromuscular control. This ultimately boosts metabolism to burn fat. We'll continue with full body workouts creating cardio throughout the circuit. We're aiming to activate as many muscles as possible. This helps the heart to pump oxygen to those muscle groups. The tempo and rest times will stay similar, while the exercises intensify.

  • Each workout in phase 3 will break down into segments of upper body, lower body, and full body. They will each have a metabolic or "cardio" finisher where we end the workouts with a high increase in heart rate hoping to reach close to 85% max.

    We'll start to have shorter rest periods and more supersets. Supersets are exercises grouped together to work opposing muscle groups back-to-back. In Ben's words, "more supersets with shorter rest periods allow for more myofiber recruitment and breakdown, leading to better muscle strength and retention."

  • Phase 4 is segmented into workouts for the front of the body, the back of the body, and full body. By doing this, we start to link all the muscles together for a specific movement to help with coordination and increased power. While we started the first month with minimal cardio, we're now adding high aerobics into each round.

    This phase uses "post activation potentiation circuits," which combine a heavy loaded strength movement followed by high volume of similar movements. This will compound results of strength and agility creating unseen levels of power!

    Strength movement + conditioning movement = PAP circuit

  • In phase 5, we are in the sculpting process! We target smaller muscle groups within each circuit. Optional HIIT training is performed in the last circuit of each workout. 

  • Phase 6 is the finisher week! We’ll combine all aspects of weeks 1-10 to see how much we’ve improved this summer in our capabilities. Can you imagine by this week having not taken the summer to complete this?

Transform your mindset on fitness.

Leo Sculpt is a place to transform your mindset on fitness and help you discover lioness-levels of bravery. It’s much more than just working out. It is a celebration of how we are our own beautiful and strong masterpieces uniquely sculpted through the joy of moving our bodies.


“I just wanted to say you guys wayyyy over delivered on this program - it’s incredible. As a functional nutritionist who is in this space, I am so grateful for the love you and Ben put into this offer and that you made it affordable for the people!”



“OMG! I just love your execution of Leo Sculpt. I watched all of the videos and feel like it’s such a well thought master program. Motivational but still delicate and gentle. Partnered with a credited personal trainer but still SO approachable. I feel like so much about the gym is rigid testosterone structured vibe and you’ve somehow added this idea of art and sculpture and femininity and a perspective that still holds a space for uniqueness and timelessness.”



“ So grateful I signed up to the Leo Sculpt program! I’ve hated exercise my whole life. I got straight A’s in school but when it came to gym class… “Pia needs to try harder.” In this program, Bethany makes fitness creative/artistic, feminine and inspiring including nutrition, mindset and style and more!! And now I am loving taking care of myself and have wayyyyyyy more energy!”


Bethany Leonardo x Ben Crosswhite

To make the Summer Club, Bethany Leonardo teamed up with her industry-leading trainer, Ben Crosswhite, who has worked with multiple Miss USA contestants, celebrities, and pro athletes. Ben meticulously planned the workouts in this program to reflect the health and body aesthetic goals that his female clients generally request.

With this program, you can follow the exercises that Ben instructed Bethany to do since the first day of her fitness journey. The workouts will start out lower impact and progressively build to new levels of strength throughout the summer.

Learn More About Ben


“I’m LOVING the Leo Sculpt program. I’m a NASM trainer & holistic nutritionist so I know a good program when I see it!”


A few brands that have recently worked with Bethany Leonardo:

Beautiful workouts with every rep led by Bethany from start-to-finish.

The best time for new beginnings is now.


Body Fat: 22.9%

Weight: 122 lbs

Waist: 26.5”

Hips: 38.5”

Thigh: 22.75”


Body fat: 14.3%

Weight: 111 lbs

Waist: 24.75”

Hips: 35.5”

Thigh: 20.875"

I've been there, girl. Even with the best of intentions, life gets busy and we have other people that we love who need our help and our time. But maybe in this small portion of our day we can become stronger for those who depend on us...not only physically stronger, but focus on building our confidence and our mentality. If we can finish an exercise, an exercise turns into a workout, and if we can finish a workout, a workout turns into a full week of workouts. When we show up for ourselves consistently, we can walk in confidence that we make the promises we keep to ourselves. And that one small exercise we started with ends up making us examples for others in our lives.

So are we all still busy? Of course. But maybe by scheduling in some time on your daily calendar for a workout that you can take at any point in your day will help. And this time you have a plan written by a professional that can take that super valuable time you have to work out and use it efficiently toward results.

I was in your shoes when I sat in Ben's office for the first time, and I asked him for the most efficient way forward since I've tried every app and diet plan out there on my own. I bought every piece of expensive equipment and paid for lots of subscriptions. But I was ready for his expertise because like you, my time was so valuable.

The promises we make to ourselves are sacred, and it's time to show up for ourselves in honor of those we serve in our day so we can be strong enough to hold them up.

Can you imagine?

Finally feeling like you can jump, lift, move, do anything better than ever. Waking up every day in a joyful mood inspired to prioritize your health and take on the day. Having confidence with your fitness looks: outfits, hair, makeup on point.

I’m just so excited to spend this time with you, no matter where you are in the world, no matter if you’ll be at home or traveling or in parts of the world where it’s not summer, we all can collectively take part in being a thriving group of women who are so looking forward to their future.

One of my favorite sayings is “she laughs at the days to come,” and that means she looks at her future and sees visions of all that is possible and all the joys of life she still has to look forward to. That’s the spirit I want to foster in this summer. I want you to have a bright outlook on your future and I want that for myself as well.

I think in the end the only thing that holds women back from their full potential is fear. But imagine what this summer could hold if you really commit to seeing all that you truly are? As Michelangelo said, “The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.”

And that’s my hope for the Summer Club, that I can create a place that encourages you daily to chisel away anything that keeps you from seeing your true power, your worth, to have real love and respect for yourself and what you are capable of. That you will feel esteemed inside this community. And come September, wait till the world sees you. You may be unrecognizable. I’ll see you inside.

Make this the summer that changes everything!

Program FAQ’s

  • All you’ll need for the first few weeks are some mini bands, which are very cheap and easy to get. They are also perfect if you will be traveling some this summer.

    It’s also great if you have a mat or a soft clean surface where you can squat and be able to lay down. We’re starting with low impact exercises so no worries there if you are a complete beginner.

    As we build our strength in the coming weeks, we will just be using some basic dumbbells, ones you might already own. I’ll be using 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 lb dumbbells, but you don’t need to have all of those. I’ll also provide links to everything inside the program.

  • You can visit this website,, at any point and visit the Login link in the top right corner of the site. From there, you will see the program that you purchased and its contents broken down by each week.

    Access to the Instagram community will be available after purchase with instructions on how to request to join.

  • Ben’s 15 years of training have given him discernment on exercises suited for different fitness levels. Personally, the exercises that Ben created in Leo Sculp programs are ones that he had me do since the beginning. They are stile an excellent as a challenge for me. If you want a heavier workout you can up the resistance band strength or dumbbell weight, for example.

  • By joining the secret Instagram account, you will get access to exclusive content from Bethany on some of her recipes and her tips on macros and nutrition.

  • Inside the Summer Club, full video workouts will release to Summer Club members exclusively every Monday Wednesday and Friday from June 17 through Aug 30. They last anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes so they are super convenient and can be completed whenever is best for you.

  • When you join, you can log in at Watch the orientation videos inside and instructions on how to join the Instagram account. This will also be where you will find the workouts starting June 17.

    On June 17 at 12 a.m. Eastern Time, a new workout will be available that you can take at your convenience. Workouts will continue to be uploaded Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays through August 30.

    New content in the Instagram account will begin June 17. Please allow 48 hours for approval of access.

    You can still access all the content from the program and stay a member of the Instagram account until the start of the Summer Club 2025.

  • This is where the secret Instagram account will become so valuable. Get updates and check-ins and engage as a group to feel uplifted and not alone through this journey! Bethany plans to do live sessions there as well.

    The workouts are pre-recorded to sync to music and write proper form tips on screen. This helps everyone with busy schedules, and this online community is global, tuning in from all different times of day.

  • The nature of the content is intellectual property, and thus is non-refundable. Thank you for understanding and for supporting us and the hard work put into its creation.

  • You can contact me at Please understand that the volume of emails I receive is very high. If you have a critical issue with your account I will prioritize that request. Please use this website as a resource for questions about the program.